
About the Website

Learn about the history and objectives of the Telazul website

At About By Rudi Drusian Lange
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Last updated

Created in 2015, Telazul is the destination for anyone looking for information about Linux, especially the Slackware distribution. Content includes free and open source software, exploring the best the Linux world has to offer.

Over time the tutorials have diversified to include software and website development in HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL / MariaDB database and Windows operating system.

The purpose of this site is to provide quality material in a simple and explanatory language to help other people who have the same needs, shortening the learning and development time.

In constant evolution, just like the Internet, Telazul will continue to improve its knowledge of the topics covered by the website in order to become a reference for consulting didactic and reliable materials.

In 2023 Telazul became a multi-language website, providing articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, with the aim of helping as many people as possible in their learning process.

It is worth remembering that each language does not contain a literal translation of all available content, each language behaves like a different website, which can contain both articles already published in other languages and independent articles published only in that language.

Even if there is the same article published in all languages, it is not possible to change the language in an article for it to be translated, it is necessary to change the language and search for the same article in the new language.

This is not my original language and I don't speak it very well. I used my little knowledge and translators tools to compose the text of this article. Sorry for possible spelling or grammatical errors, suggestions for corrections are appreciated and can be sent to the contact email in the footer of the site. My intention is to share some knowledge and I hope this translation is good enough.